在 Windows 7 上捕获单个应用程序的音频

2021-12-21 00:00:00 windows audio c++ wasapi

有没有办法只捕获单个应用程序输出的音频,而不是整个系统?使用 WASAPI 我可以捕获 整个系统音频,但我希望仅从一个应用程序中捕获音频(会有许多应用程序同时播放音频.)

Is there a way to capture the audio outputted by only a single application, and not the system as a whole? With WASAPI I can capture the entire system audio, but I wish to only capture the audio from one application (there will be many applications, all playing audio at once.)


Detours 用于挂钩.使用 lib 挂钩 IAudioRenderClient接口,包括GetBuffer和ReleaseBuffer,从缓冲区读取数据.

Detours is used for hooking. Using the lib to hook IAudioRenderClient interface, including GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer, and read data from the buffer.
