是否有任何“开箱即用"的 C++ 2D/3D 绘图库?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 plot graph wxwidgets c++

我查看了在交互式窗口中绘制函数(或其他类型的图形)的不同选项.我主要使用 wxWidgets,但我对任何其他接口"持开放态度.

I looked at the different options for plotting functions (or other types of graphs) in an interactive window. I mostly use wxWidgets but I'd be open to any other "interfaces".

wxPlot:自 2006 年以来未更新.但如果它...

wxPlot: Not updated since 2006. But it would be a good candidate if it was...


wxMathPlot: Very new, not mature, few features (still active?)

libgraph:过时的,不是反驳的,只有 2D 并且只输出图像.

libgraph: Outdated, not rebust, 2D only and outputs images only.


koolplot: Too basic, no control over the created window.


EasyBMP: Very basic, only images output.


plplot:C 和 C++ API 几乎没有维护.事实上,wxPlot 正是基于此.如果我们更新了 C 和 C++ 接口,也可能是一个候选对象.

plplot: C and C++ API are barely maintained. It is in fact on this that wxPlot is based. Could be a could candidate also if C and C++ interface we're updated.




虽然这个帖子很老但是很金.QCustomPlot 也是非常值得推荐的,以补充这个列表.

Even though this thread is old but gold. QCustomPlot is very recommendable as well to complement this list.
