

我尝试阅读 Copy Elision 上的一些链接,但无法正确理解它的含义.有人可以解释一下这个优化是什么,特别是下面的文字是什么意思

I tried reading some links on Copy Elision but could not figure out properly what it meant. Can somebody please explain what this optimization is, and especially what is mean by the following text

这不仅仅是一个方便的问题,而且实际上是一种优化.如果参数 (s) 绑定到左值(另一个非常量对象),则在创建参数 (s) 时会自动制作该对象的副本.但是,当 s 绑定到右值(临时对象,文字)时,通常会省略副本,从而节省对复制构造函数和析构函数的调用.在参数被接受为常量引用的赋值运算符的早期版本中,当引用绑定到右值时不会发生复制省略.这会导致创建和销毁一个额外的对象.

This is not just a matter of convenience but in fact an optimization. If the parameter (s) binds to a lvalue (another non-const object), a copy of the object is made automatically while creating the parameter (s). However, when s binds to a rvalue (temporary object, literal), the copy is typically elided, which saves a call to a copy constructor and a destructor. In the earlier version of the assignment operator where the parameter is accepted as const reference, copy elision does not happen when the reference binds to a rvalue. This results into an additional object being created and destroyed.



The copy constructor exists to make copies. In theory when you write a line like:

CLASS c(foo());


The compiler would have to call the copy constructor to copy the return of foo() into c.


Copy elision is a technique to skip calling the copy constructor so as not to pay for the overhead.


For example, the compiler can arrange that foo() will directly construct its return value into c.


Here's another example. Let's say you have a function:

void doit(CLASS c);


If you call it with an actual argument, the compiler has to invoke the copy constructor so that the original parameter cannot be modified:



But now consider a different example, let's say you call your function like this:

doit(c1 + c1);

operator+ 将不得不创建一个临时对象(一个右值).与在调用 doit() 之前调用复制构造函数不同,编译器可以传递由 operator+ 创建的临时对象并将其传递给 doit()> 代替.

operator+ is going to have to create a temporary object (an rvalue). Instead of invoking the copy constructor before calling doit(), the compiler can pass the temporary that was created by operator+ and pass that to doit() instead.
