TCP 同时打开和自连接预防

2021-12-20 00:00:00 networking tcp c++

TCP 标准具有同时打开"的特性.

TCP standard has "simultaneous open" feature.


The implication of the feature, client trying to connect to local port, when the port is from ephemeral range, can occasionally connect to itself (see here).


So client think it's connected to server, while it actually connected to itself. From other side, server can not open its server port, since it's occupied/stolen by client.

我使用的是 RHEL 5.3,我的客户端不断尝试连接到本地服务器.最终客户端连接到自身.

I'm using RHEL 5.3 and my clients constantly tries to connect to local server. Eventually client connects to itself.


I want to prevent the situation. I see two possible solutions to the problem:

  1. 不要将临时端口用于服务器端口.同意临时端口范围并在您的机器上配置它(请参阅临时范围)
  2. 检查connect(),因为有人建议在这里.
  1. Don't use ephemeral ports for server ports. Agree ephemeral port range and configure it on your machines (see ephemeral range)
  2. Check connect() as somebody propose here.


What do you thinks? How do you handle the issue?



Except of the solution, which I obviously looking for, I'd like you to share your real life experience with the problem.


When I found the cause of the problem, I was "astonished" on my work place people are not familiar with it. Polling server by connecting it periodically is IMHO common practice, so how it's that the problem is not commonly known.


对于服务器,你需要 bind() 套接字到端口.一旦 addr:port 对绑定了套接字,它将不再用于 connect() 中的隐式绑定.

For server you need to bind() socket to port. Once addr:port pair had socket bound, it will no longer be used for implicit binding in connect().

