从四元数到 OpenGL 旋转

2021-12-19 00:00:00 opengl linear-algebra c++ quaternions

我有一个要通过按键旋转的对象.物体应该偏航、俯仰和滚动.尝试了很多之后,我发现 glRotate 有它的局限性,用那个函数不可能实现类似的东西.

I have an object which I want to rotate via keys. The object should yaw, pitch and roll. After trying a lot, I figured out that glRotate has its limitations and it won't be possible to implement something like that with that function.


I've researched a bit and found out about quaternion-based rotation. It would be also possible to rotate via a rotation matrix, but almost everyone describes the quaternions as the best ever.

我已经阅读了四元数并且对它们相当了解,但是如何在我的 OpenGL 程序中实现它们仍然是一个谜.有谁知道一个小例子?不是如何实现四元数类,而是如何使用它.我不知道如何把这些东西放在一起.

I have read about the quaternions and understood them fairly well, but how to implement them in my OpenGL program is still a mystery. Does anyone know a small example? Not how to implement the quaternion class but how to use it. I don't get how to put the things together.



The most important is to implement method that will build rotation matrices from quaternion. Then, as you'll do with normal rotation matrix, just multiply it with your modelview matrix.


This is simple example that was used to rotate cube with mouse movement. As you see I've needed to implement three methods: toMatrix, quaternionFromAxis, multiplyWith. Assuming that you understand quaternions, this should be clear what they do.

void display() {


    // Multiply quaternion with current modelview matrix    

    // Some other transformations
    glTranslatef(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);

    // Draw something, i.e. cube
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);


void mouseMoved(float dx, float dy) {
    float axisY[] = { 0, 1, 0 },
          axisX[] = { 1, 0, 0 };

    float sensitivity = 0.005f;
    Quaternion *q1 = Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis(axisY, dx * sensitivity];
    Quaternion *q2 = Quaternion.quaternionFromAxis(axisX, dy * sensitivity];

    // Multiply two quaternions with camera
    cameraQuaternion = (q1.multiplyWith(q2)).multiplyWith(cameraQuaternion);
