Some frameworks (Qt, Windows, Gtk...) offer functionality to add resources to your binaries. I wonder if it would be possible to achieve this without the framework, since all that is really needed is
- 在二进制(数据段)中包含资源地址的符号
- 表示资源长度的符号
- 资源本身
如何使用 gcc 工具链实现这一点?
How can this be achieved with the gcc toolchain?
objcopy --input binary
--output elf32-i386
--binary-architecture i386 my_file.xml myfile.o
这会生成一个目标文件,您可以将其链接到您的可执行文件中.此文件将包含您必须在 C 代码中声明的这些符号能够使用它们
This produces an object file that you can link into your executable. This file will contain these symbols that you'll have to declare in your C code to be able to use them
00000550 D _binary_my_file_xml_end
00000550 A _binary_my_file_xml_size
00000000 D _binary_my_file_xml_start