2021-12-18 00:00:00 gcc compatibility c++ abi

据我所知,无法链接使用不同版本的 GCC 应用程序二进制接口 (ABI) 的库.GCC 的每个版本都有 ABI 更改吗?如果我使用 GCC 4.3.2,是否可以链接使用 4.3.1 构建的库?是否有某种矩阵列出了我可以组合 GCC 版本的所有方式?

As far as I've understood, it is not possible to link libraries that use different versions of GCC's Application Binary Interface (ABI). Are there ABI changes to every version of GCC? Is it possible to link a library built with 4.3.1 if I use, say, GCC 4.3.2? Is there a matrix of some sort that lists all the ways I can combine GCC versions?


官方ABI 页面指向一个ABIcheck.这个工具可以做,你想要什么.

The official ABI page points to an ABIcheck. This tool may do, what you want.
