快速跨平台 C/C++ 图像处理库

有哪些用于图像处理(调整大小和查找颜色/色调直方图)的跨平台和高性能图像库.不需要gui.这是针对 C/C++ 的.

What are some cross platform and high performance image libraries for image processing (resizing and finding the color/hue histograms). No gui needed. This is for C/C++.


So far I have looked in to

  • OpenCV
  • GIL 作为 Boost 的一部分
  • 恶魔
  • CImg


  • 我上面列出的那些的表现如何
  • 还有哪些其他库



OpenCV 有相当不错的表现.对于大多数情况,它应该足够了.

OpenCV has quite good performance. It should be sufficient for most cases.

为了提高性能,您还可以将 OpenCV 与 Intel IPP,但是这是一个非免费的商业产品.如果 OpenCV 检测到安装了 IPP,它将尽可能使用它.

To improve performance, you can also use OpenCV together with Intel IPP, which is however a non-free commercial product. If OpenCV detects that IPP is installed it will use it where possible.

作为第三种选择,您可以直接使用 IPP.IPP 的设计目标是高性能(在英特尔架构上).它被优化为使用英特尔 SIMD 指令.

As a third option you can use IPP directly. IPP was designed with high performance (on Intel architectures) as a goal. It is optimized to use the intel SIMD instructions.
