我可以在没有 Visual Studio 的情况下下载 Visual C++ 命令行编译器吗?

2021-12-17 00:00:00 winapi visual-c++ c++

根据标题.我不想下载整个 Visual C++ 安装程序,只想下载cl.exe"以及在 Windows 上编译和链接 C++ 程序所需的其他程序.

As per the title. I don't want to download the entire Visual C++ installer, only "cl.exe" and the other programs required for compiling and linking C++ programs on Windows.


在 2014 年,您无法单独从 Microsoft 下载 Visual C++ 编译器.

In 2014 you could not download the Visual C++ compiler alone from Microsoft.

过去你可以这样做.过去,您可以在 Platform SDK 中获取它.那么你只能通过安装 Visual Studio 来获得它.

It used to be that you could. Then it used to be that you could get it in the Platform SDK. Then you could only get it by installing Visual Studio.

令人高兴的是,当时与 Visual Studio Express for Desktop(当时的免费版 Visual Studio)捆绑在一起的编译器与专业版或通用版所获得的编译器完全相同.

Happily, at that time, the compiler that was bundled with Visual Studio Express for Desktop (the free version of Visual Studio at the time) was, and is, the very same that you get with Professional or Universal editions.

2015 年 11 月,Microsoft 再次开始在名为 Visual C++ 构建工具.

In November 2015 Microsoft again started providing the compiler tools in a free-standing package called the Visual C++ Build Tools.


” C++ Build Tools 安装程序将无法在已安装 Visual Studio 2015 的计算机上运行.支持反向(即升级到 Visual Studio).

” the C++ Build Tools installer will not run on a machine with Visual Studio 2015 already installed on it. The reverse (i.e. upgrade to Visual Studio) is supported.

长期情况一如既往地不明朗.而且,免责声明:我自己没有使用过构建工具–我必须先卸载 Visual Studio.

The long term situation is, as always, unclear. And, disclaimer: I have not used the build tools myself – I would have to uninstall Visual Studio first.
