
2021-12-17 00:00:00 windows memory winapi c++ readprocessmemory

我正在尝试扫描第 3 方应用程序的内存.我已经找到了地址;现在是 0x0643FB78.问题是,我永远无法到达那里,因为 LPMODULEENTRY32->modBaseAddr0x00400000LPMODULEENTRY32->modBaseSize 只是 0x006FF000,因此我可以扫描这个模块的最大地址是0x00AFF000.

I am trying to scan memory of a 3rd party application. I have already found out the address; right now is at 0x0643FB78. The thing is, I can never get up there since LPMODULEENTRY32->modBaseAddr is 0x00400000 and LPMODULEENTRY32->modBaseSize is merely 0x006FF000, thus the max address I can scan for this module is 0x00AFF000.


Does that mean the address I seek does live inside another process/module/thread/something? I am quite confident the process I have does contain the address though. How should I access the memory then? Thank you.


至少在我看来,如果您涉及到 LPMODULEENTRY,那么您可能走错了方向.我会使用 VirtualQueryEx 来遍历目标进程中的内存块.这将为您提供有关该过程中每个块的 MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.然后您可以使用 ReadProcessMemory 并扫描块以找到您要查找的内容.

At least in my opinion, if you have an LPMODULEENTRY involved, you're probably starting in the wrong direction. I'd walk through the blocks of memory in the target process with VirtualQueryEx instead. This will give you a MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION about each block in that process. You can then use ReadProcessMemory and scan through the blocks to find what you're looking for.


Here's some old code I wrote to do roughly the same thing, but looking for a string rather than a pointer:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

template <class InIter1, class InIter2, class OutIter>
void find_all(unsigned char *base, InIter1 buf_start, InIter1 buf_end, InIter2 pat_start, InIter2 pat_end, OutIter res) {
    for (InIter1 pos = buf_start;
        buf_end!=(pos=std::search(pos, buf_end, pat_start, pat_end));
        *res++ = base+(pos-buf_start);

template <class outIter>
void find_locs(HANDLE process, std::string const &pattern, outIter output) {

    unsigned char *p = NULL;

    for ( p = NULL;
        VirtualQueryEx(process, p, &info, sizeof(info)) == sizeof(info);
        p += info.RegionSize ) 
        std::vector<char> buffer;

        if (info.State == MEM_COMMIT && 
            (info.Type == MEM_MAPPED || info.Type == MEM_PRIVATE)) 
            SIZE_T bytes_read;
            ReadProcessMemory(process, p, &buffer[0], info.RegionSize, &bytes_read);
            find_all(p, buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), pattern.begin(), pattern.end(), output);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <process ID> <pattern>", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    int pid;
    sscanf(argv[1], "%i", &pid);

    std::string pattern(argv[2]);

    HANDLE process = OpenProcess( 

    find_locs(process, pattern, 
        std::ostream_iterator<void *>(std::cout, "

    return 0;
