如何在 Win32 中递归创建文件夹?

2021-12-18 00:00:00 directory winapi c++


I'm trying to create a function that takes the name of a directory (C:fooar, or ..fooar..az, or \someserverfooar), and creates directories as necessary so that the whole path is created.

我自己正在尝试一个非常幼稚的实现,这似乎是一个字符串处理的噩梦.有 / vs ,有一种以 \ 开头的网络共享的特殊情况(你也不能尝试 mkdir() 路径的前两级是机器名和共享名),并且有 . 类型的废话可以存在于路径中.

I am attempting a pretty naive implementation of this myself and it seems to be a string processing nightmare. There is / vs , there is the special case of network shares which begin with \ (also you can't attempt to mkdir() the first two levels of the path which are machine name and share name), and there is . type nonsense that can exist in a path.

在 C++ 中是否有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点?

Does there exist a simple way to do this in C++?


如果您不需要支持 Windows 2000 之前的 Windows 版本,您可以使用 SHCreateDirectoryEx 函数.考虑一下:

If you don't need to support Windows versions prior to Windows 2000, you can use the SHCreateDirectoryEx function for this. Consider this:

int createDirectoryRecursively( LPCTSTR path )
    return SHCreateDirectoryEx( NULL, path, NULL );

// ...
if ( createDirectoryRecursively( T("C:\Foo\Bar\Baz") ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
   // Bingo!

如果使用这样的 shell32.dll API 成为问题,您总是可以使用其他东西(可能是手动循环)重新实现上面的 createDirectoryRecursively 函数.

In case using such shell32.dll API ever becomes an issue, you can always reimplement the createDirectoryRecursively function above with something else (possibly a hand-wired loop).
