#define NOMINMAX 使用 std::min/max

2021-12-17 00:00:00 visual-studio winapi c++


#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#include <algorithm>

到我的 main.cpp 以便使用

to my main.cpp in order to use

std::max( x , x ); // x is just a placeholder and not actual anything
std::min( x  , x );

但我不能在其他文件中使用 std::max()/std::min().

but i can't use std::max()/std::min() in other files.

error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::'
error C2059: syntax error : '::'

我试图在我的其他文件中添加 #define NOMINMAX,但失败了.什么线索?

i tried to add #define NOMINMAX in my other files, but fails. what is the clue?

我问之前环顾四周,但我不明白答案可能Visual C++ 上 NOMINMAX 的问题

i looked around before asking, but i don't understand the answer Possible problems with NOMINMAX on Visual C++



If you're really desperate, put parentheses around the function names:

(std::min)(x, y);

此语法不会应用类似函数的宏.(正式地说,要应用类似函数的宏,宏的名称必须后跟可选的空格,然后是一个 '('.)

This syntax won't apply a function-like macro. (Formally, to apply a function-like macro the name of the macro must be followed by optional white space then a '('.)
