C++ #include <atlbase.h>没有找到

2021-12-17 00:00:00 winapi visual-c++ c++

当我在 Visual Studio Express 中编译我的 C++ 程序时,它说它找不到 atlbase.h.我是否缺少某些 SDK 或其他东西?

When I compile my C++ program in Visual Studio Express it says that it can't find atlbase.h. Am I missing some SDK or something?


Microsoft ATL(活动模板库),其中包含头文件 atlbase.h 包含在 Windows 2003 SDK,但不是包含在任何较新的 Windows SDK 版本中.它还包含在 Visual Studio 专业版中.

Microsoft ATL (Active Template Library), which includes the header atlbase.h is included with the Windows 2003 SDK, but it is not included with any newer Windows SDK release. It is also included with Professional editions of Visual Studio.
