在 C++ 中继承私有成员

2021-12-17 00:00:00 inheritance c++

假设一个类有私有数据成员,但 setter 和 getter 在公共范围内.如果您从这个类继承,您仍然可以调用这些 setter 和 getter ―― 允许访问基类中的私有数据成员.这怎么可能,因为提到派生类不能继承私有数据成员

suppose a class has private data members but the setters and getters are in public scope. If you inherit from this class, you can still call those setters and getters -- enabling access to the private data members in the base class. How is this possible since it is mentioned that a derived class cannot inherit private data members



A derived class doesn't inherit access to private data members. However, it does inherit a full parent object, which contains any private members which that class declares.
