在 C++ 继承中,当指向基类的指针对象指向派生类时,不调用派生类析构函数

2021-12-17 00:00:00 inheritance c++

我是新手,我知道这是一个非常基本的概念,也可能是重复的.一旦调用了构造函数,就必须调用其相应的析构函数,这不是真的吗?[代码在 Dev C++ 上运行]

I am a newbie and I know this is a very basic concept and might be a duplicate too. Is it not true that once a constructor is called its corresponding destructor has to be called? [code run on Dev C++]

class Base
            Base() { cout<<"Base Constructor
            int b;
     ~Base() {cout << "Base Destructor
"; }

class Derived:public Base
        Derived() { cout<<"Derived Constructor
        int a;
 ~Derived() { cout<< "Derived Destructor
"; }
int main () {
Base* b = new Derived;    
//Derived *b = new Derived;
 delete b;
    return 0;


Base Constructor
Derived Constructor
Base Destructor


您的代码有未定义的行为.基类的析构函数必须是 virtual 以便以下具有定义的行为.

Your code has undefined behavior. The base class's destructor must be virtual for the following to have defined behavior.

Base* b = new Derived;    
delete b;

来自 C++ 标准:

5.3.5 删除

3 在第一种选择中(删除对象),如果静态类型的操作数与其动态类型不同,静态类型应为操作数动态类型的基类,静态类型应具有虚析构函数或行为未定义.

3 In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the operand is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the operand’s dynamic type and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined.

所以在你的情况下,静态类型是 Base,动态类型是 Derived.所以 Base 的析构函数应该是:

So in your case, the static type is Base, and the dynamic type is Derived. So the Base's destructor should be:

virtual ~Base() {cout << "Base Destructor
"; }
