在 C++ 中表示 128 位数字

2021-12-17 00:00:00 math c++

在 C++ 中表示 128 位数字的最佳方式是什么?它的行为应尽可能接近内置数字类型(即支持所有算术运算符等).

What's the best way to represent a 128-bit number in C++? It should behave as closely to the built-in numeric types as possible (i.e. support all the arithmetic operators, etc).

我正在考虑构建一个包含 2 个 64 位或 4 个 32 位数字的类.或者可能只是创建一个 128 位的内存块并自己做所有事情.

I was thinking of building a class that had 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit numbers. Or possibly just creating a 128 bit block of memory and doing everything myself.


Is there some easier/more standard way, or something that I'm less likely to screw up when implementing it myself? :)

如果能扩展到 256 位、512 位等就好了...

It would also be nice if it could be extended to 256-bit, 512-bit, etc...



Look into other libraries that have been developed. Lots of people have wanted to do this before you. :D

尝试 bigint C++
