无法从节点连接读取描述符:在 Windows 操作系统上使用 ChromeDriver Selenium 连接到系统的设备无法运行错误


我在 python 中运行 selenium webdriver 脚本时得到了这个,我还在系统环境中设置了路径,还尝试下载与我的 chrome 版本匹配的 webdriver.还有letest版本.但我仍然收到此错误:

I got this while running the selenium webdriver script in python I also set the path in System Environment and also tried downloading the webdriver that matches with my chrome version. And also letest version also. But I still get this error:

[8552:6856:1120/155118.770:ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(211)] [15:51:18.771] USB: usb_device_handle_win.cc:1020 Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[8552:6856:1120/155118.774:ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(211)] [15:51:18.774] USB: usb_device_handle_win.cc:1020 Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[8552:6856:1120/155118.821:ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(211)] [15:51:18.821] USB: usb_device_handle_win.cc:1020 Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)


I used this in my code :

driver = webdriver.Chrome(resource_path("C:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe"))  # to open the chromebrowser


找了一个星期我的错误的答案后,我最终得到了一个解决方案,你只需要安装 pywin32 库,它不会给你一个错误

After a week of finding an answer to my error, I ended up with a solution that you just need to install pywin32 library and it will not gives you an error

打开 cmd 并输入

点安装 pywin32

pip install pywin32


and you are good to go.....!
