在 Visual Studio 调试中检查 STL 容器

2021-12-14 00:00:00 visual-studio debugging c++ stl

如果我有一个 std::vectorstd::map 变量,并且我想查看内容,那么看到第 n 个元素会很痛苦调试.有没有插件,或者在调试(VS2003/2005/2008)时更容易观察STL容器变量的一些技巧?

If I have a std::vector or std::map variable, and I want to see the contents, it's a big pain to see the nth element while debugging. Is there a plugin, or some trick to making it easier to watch STL container variables while debugging (VS2003/2005/2008)?


对于向量,这个 thread 有一个代码片段,用于在矢量索引上设置监视可能会有所帮助.

For vectors, this thread on the msdn forums has a code snippet for setting a watch on a vector index that might help.
