
2021-12-13 00:00:00 function variables types c++


Writing a function I must declare input and output data types like this:

int my_function (int argument) {}

是否可以声明我的函数接受 int、bool 或 char 类型的变量,并且可以输出这些数据类型?

Is it possible to make such a declaration that my function would accept variable of type int, bool or char, and can output these data types ?

//non working example
[int bool char] my_function ([int bool char] argument) {}



备选方案 1


template <typename T> 
T myfunction( T t )
    return t + t;

备选方案 2


bool myfunction(bool b )

int myfunction(int i )

您为您期望的每个参数的每种类型提供不同的函数.您可以混合使用替代方案 1.编译器会为您选择合适的方案.

You provide a different function for each type of each argument you expect. You can mix it Alternative 1. The compiler will the right one for you.

替代方案 3


union myunion
    int i;
    char c;
    bool b;

myunion my_function( myunion u ) 

替代方案 4

你可以使用多态.对于 int 、 char 、 bool 可能有点矫枉过正,但对于更复杂的类类型很有用.

You can use polymorphism. Might be an overkill for int , char , bool but useful for more complex class types.

class BaseType
    virtual BaseType*  myfunction() = 0;
    virtual ~BaseType() {}

class IntType : public BaseType
    int X;
    BaseType*  myfunction();

class BoolType  : public BaseType
    bool b;
    BaseType*  myfunction();

class CharType : public BaseType
    char c;
    BaseType*  myfunction();

BaseType*  myfunction(BaseType* b)
    //will do the right thing based on the type of b
    return b->myfunction();
