如何在函数返回的 GDB 中设置断点?

2021-12-14 00:00:00 debugging gdb c++

我有一个 C++ 函数,它在不同的地方有很多 return 语句.如何在函数实际返回的return语句处设置断点?

I have a C++ function which has many return statements at various places. How to set a breakpoint at the return statement where the function actually returns ?


And what does "break" command without argument means?


break without arguments 在当前选定堆栈帧中的下一条指令处停止执行.您可以通过 frameupdown 命令选择跟踪帧.如果要调试实际上离开当前函数的点,请选择下一个外部框架并在那里中断.

break without arguments stops execution at the next instruction in the currently selected stack frame. You select strack frames via the frame or up and down commands. If you want to debug the point where you are actually leaving the current function, select the next outer frame and break there.
