如何 typedef 模板类?

2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates c++ c++11 typedef


How should I typedef a template class ? Something like:

typedef std::vector myVector;  // <--- compiler error


(1) #define myVector std::vector // not so good
(2) template<typename T>
    struct myVector { typedef std::vector<T> type; }; // verbose

我们在 C++0x 中有什么更好的吗?

Do we have anything better in C++0x ?


是的.它被称为别名模板",它是 C+ 中的一项新功能+11.

Yes. It is called an "alias template," and it's a new feature in C++11.

template<typename T>
using MyVector = std::vector<T, MyCustomAllocator<T>>;


Usage would then be exactly as you expect:

MyVector<int> x; // same as: std::vector<int, MyCustomAllocator<int>>

GCC 从 4.7 开始支持,Clang 从 3.0 开始支持,MSVC 在 2013 SP4 开始支持.

GCC has supported it since 4.7, Clang has it since 3.0, and MSVC has it in 2013 SP4.
