
2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates metaprogramming c++


I just started playing with metaprogramming and I am working on different tasks just to explore the domain. One of these was to generate a unique integer and map it to type, like below:

int myInt = TypeInt<AClass>::value;

其中 value 应该是编译时常量,这反过来可以在元程序中进一步使用.

Where value should be a compile time constant, which in turn may be used further in meta programs.


I want to know if this is at all possible, and in that case how. Because although I have learned much about exploring this subject I still have failed to come up with an answer.

(P.S. 是/否的答案比不使用元编程的 C++ 解决方案更令人满意,因为这是我正在探索的领域)

(P.S. A yes/no answer is much more gratifying than a c++ solution that doesn't use metaprogramming, as this is the domain that I am exploring)



The closest I've come so far is being able to keep a list of types while tracking the distance back to the base (giving a unique value). Note the "position" here will be unique to your type if you track things correctly (see the main for the example)

template <class Prev, class This>
class TypeList
      position = (Prev::position) + 1,

template <>
class TypeList<void, void>
     position = 0,

#include <iostream>

int main()
        typedef TypeList< void, void> base;  // base
        typedef TypeList< base, double> t2;  // position is unique id for double
        typedef TypeList< t2, char > t3; // position is unique id for char

        std::cout << "T1 Posn: " << base::position << std::endl;
        std::cout << "T2 Posn: " << t2::position << std::endl;
        std::cout << "T3 Posn: " << t3::position << std::endl;



This works, but naturally I'd like to not have to specify a "prev" type somehow. Preferably figuring out a way to track this automatically. Maybe I'll play with it some more to see if it's possible. Definitely an interesting/fun puzzle.
