本地类型作为 C++ 中的模板参数

2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates c++


#include <向量>模板<类型名T,模板<类型名>C 类 = std::vector >结构FooBar{/*编码*/};模板结构全局{};int main(){结构本地{};FooBar<本地,全球>k;}


‘template 的模板参数C级>struct FooBar' 使用本地类型'main()::Local'

标准的哪一部分说这是错误的?我正在使用 gcc 4.5.1.如何使此代码工作?



这将是 2003 C++ 标准中的 §14.3.1/2:






请注意,此限制已在 C++11 中取消,因此使用该语言标准,您可以使用本地类型作为模板参数.

This is my code

#include <vector>
template <typename T, template<typename> class C = std::vector >
struct FooBar
template<typename T>
struct Global{};

int main()
   struct Local{};  
   FooBar<Local,Global> k;

This is the error that I get

template argument for ‘template<class T, template<class> class C> struct FooBar’ uses local type ‘main()::Local’

Which part of the standard says that this is wrong? I am using gcc 4.5.1. How can make this code work?


Which part of the standard says that this is wrong?

That would be §14.3.1/2 from the 2003 C++ Standard:

A local type, a type with no linkage, an unnamed type or a type compounded from any of these types shall not be used as a template-argument for a template type-parameter.

How can make this code work?

Don't use a local type as a template argument.

Note that this restriction has been lifted in C++11, so using that language standard you are able to use a local type as a template argument.
