工厂方法实现 - C++

2021-12-13 00:00:00 factory design-patterns templates c++


I have the following code for "factory" design pattern implementation.

class Pen{
     virtual void Draw() = 0;

class RedPen : public Pen{
     virtual void Draw(){
         cout << "Drawing with red pen" << endl;

class BluePen : public Pen{
     virtual void Draw(){
         cout << "Drawing with blue pen" << endl;

auto_ptr<Pen> createPen(const std::string color){
     if(color == "red")
         return auto_ptr<Pen>(new RedPen);
     else if(color == "blue")
         return auto_ptr<Pen>(new BluePen);

但我听说可以使用C++ 模板"以更好的方式完成.任何人都可以帮助它如何完成以及模板方法如何比这更好?

But I heard that it can be done in a better way using "C++ templates". Can anyone help how it is done and how template approach is better than this?



在您发布的示例中,工厂或模板方法对我来说都没有意义.我的解决方案涉及 Pen 类中的数据成员.

In the example you posted, neither a factory or a template approach makes sense to me. My solution involves a data member in the Pen class.

class Pen {
    Pen() : m_color(0,0,0,0) /* the default colour is black */

    Pen(const Color& c) : m_color(c)

    Pen(const Pen& other) : m_color(other.color())

    virtual void Draw()
        cout << "Drawing with a pen of color " << m_color.hex();
    void setColor(const Color& c) { m_color = c; }
    const Color& color() const { return m_color; }
    Color m_color;

class Color {
    Color(int r, int g, int b, int a = 0) :
        m_red(r), m_green(g), m_blue(other.blue()), m_alpha(a)  

    Color(const Color& other) : 
        m_red(other.red()), m_green(other.green()), 
        m_blue(other.blue()), m_alpha(other.alpha())

    int red() const { return m_red; }
    int green() const  { return m_green; }
    int blue() const { return m_blue; }
    int alpha() const { return m_alpha; }

    std::string hex() const
        std::ostringstream os;
        char buf[3];
        os << "#";

        sprintf(buf, "%2X", red());
        os << buf;

        sprintf(buf, "%2X", green());
        os << buf;

        sprintf(buf, "%2X", blue());
        os << buf;

        sprintf(buf, "%2X", alpha());
        os << buf;

        return os.str();

    int m_red;
    int m_green;
    int m_blue;
    int m_alpha;

当然,颜色类必须根据您使用的绘图 API 进行调整――并且可能比这更高级(不同的颜色空间等).

Of course, the color class would have to be adjusted to the drawing API you use -- and perhaps be way more advanced than this one (different color spaces, etc).


The reason it does not make sense to use templates, is that (presumably) the only difference between the different drawing operations is the color variable. So, by using templates (or manually declaring different classes, as you did), you will duplicate similar code. This will make your program large, and slow it down.

因此,draw 函数应该将颜色作为参数,或者(如在我的示例中)将颜色作为类数据成员.

So, the draw function should either take the color as an argument, or (as in my example) have the color as a class data member.
