模板元编程 - 使用 Enum Hack 和 Static Const 的区别

2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates metaprogramming c++


I'm wondering what the difference is between using a static const and an enum hack when using template metaprogramming techniques.

EX:(斐波那契通过 TMP)

EX: (Fibonacci via TMP)

template< int n > struct TMPFib {
  static const int val =
    TMPFib< n-1 >::val + TMPFib< n-2 >::val;

template<> struct TMPFib< 1 > {
  static const int val = 1;

template<> struct TMPFib< 0 > {
  static const int val = 0;


template< int n > struct TMPFib {
  enum {
    val = TMPFib< n-1 >::val + TMPFib< n-2 >::val

template<> struct TMPFib< 1 > {
  enum { val = 1 };

template<> struct TMPFib< 0 > {
  enum { val = 0 };

为什么要使用一个?我已经读到在类内部支持静态常量之前使用了 enum hack,但为什么现在使用它?

Why use one over the other? I've read that the enum hack was used before static const was supported inside classes, but why use it now?


枚举不是 lval,静态成员值是,如果通过引用传递模板将被实例化:

Enums aren't lvals, static member values are and if passed by reference the template will be instanciated:

void f(const int&);


If you want to do pure compile time calculations etc. this is an undesired side-effect.


The main historic difference is that enums also work for compilers where in-class-initialization of member values is not supported, this should be fixed in most compilers now.
There may also be differences in compilation speed between enum and static consts.

boost 编码指南和旧线程 在有关该主题的 boost 档案中.

There are some details in the boost coding guidelines and an older thread in the boost archives regarding the subject.
