使用模板访问 C++ 中超类的受保护成员

2021-12-13 00:00:00 inheritance templates c++

为什么 C++ 编译器不能识别 g()bSuperclass 的继承成员,如以下代码所示:

Why can't a C++ compiler recognize that g() and b are inherited members of Superclass as seen in this code:

template<typename T> struct Superclass {
  int b;
  void g() {}

template<typename T> struct Subclass : public Superclass<T> {
  void f() {
    g(); // compiler error: uncategorized
    b = 3; // compiler error: unrecognized

如果我简化 Subclass 并且只是从 Subclass 继承然后它编译.当将 g() 完全限定为 Superclass::g()Superclass::b 时,它也会编译.我使用的是 LLVM GCC 4.2.

If I simplify Subclass and just inherit from Subclass<int> then it compiles. It also compiles when fully qualifying g() as Superclass<T>::g() and Superclass<T>::b. I'm using LLVM GCC 4.2.

注意:如果我在超类中公开 g()b ,它仍然会失败并出现相同的错误.

Note: If I make g() and b public in the superclass it still fails with same error.


这可以通过使用 using 将名称拉入当前范围来修改:

This can be amended by pulling the names into the current scope using using:

template<typename T> struct Subclass : public Superclass<T> {
  using Superclass<T>::b;
  using Superclass<T>::g;

  void f() {
    b = 3;


Or by qualifying the name via the this pointer access:

template<typename T> struct Subclass : public Superclass<T> {
  void f() {
    this->b = 3;


Or, as you’ve already noticed, by qualifying the full name.

之所以有必要这样做,是因为 C++ 不考虑用于名称解析的超类模板(因为它们是从属名称并且不考虑从属名称).它在您使用 Superclass 时有效,因为它不是模板(它是模板的实例化),因此它的嵌套名称不依赖 名字.

The reason why this is necessary is that C++ doesn’t consider superclass templates for name resolution (because then they are dependent names and dependent names are not considered). It works when you use Superclass<int> because that’s not a template (it’s an instantiation of a template) and thus its nested names are not dependent names.
