使用 enable_if 检查成员是否存在

2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates c++ sfinae


template <typename T> struct Model
    vector<T> vertices ;

    #if T has a .normal member
    void transform( Matrix m )
        each vertex in vertices
          vertex.pos = m * vertex.pos ;
          vertex.normal = m * vertex.normal ;

    #if T has NO .normal member
    void transform( Matrix m )
        each vertex in vertices
          vertex.pos = m * vertex.pos ;
} ;

我见过 使用enable_if的>示例,但我不明白如何将enable_if应用于这个问题,或者它是否可以应用.

I've seen examples of using enable_if, but I cannot understand how to apply enable_if to this problem, or if it even can be applied.


这在 C++11 中变得方式更容易.

This has become way easier with C++11.

template <typename T> struct Model
    vector<T> vertices;

    void transform( Matrix m )
        for(auto &&vertex : vertices)
          vertex.pos = m * vertex.pos;
          modifyNormal(vertex, m, special_());


    struct general_ {};
    struct special_ : general_ {};
    template<typename> struct int_ { typedef int type; };

    template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs,
             typename int_<decltype(Lhs::normal)>::type = 0>
    void modifyNormal(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs, special_) {
       lhs.normal = rhs * lhs.normal;

    template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
    void modifyNormal(Lhs &&lhs, Rhs &&rhs, general_) {
       // do nothing


  • 您可以在 decltypesizeof 中命名非静态数据成员,而无需对象.
  • 您可以申请扩展的 SFINAE.基本上可以检查任何表达式,如果在替换参数时它无效,则模板将被忽略.
  • You can name non-static data members in decltype and sizeof without needing an object.
  • You can apply extended SFINAE. Basically any expression can be checked and if it is not valid when the arguments are substituted, the template is ignored.
