GCC 问题:使用依赖于模板参数的基类成员

以下代码不能用 gcc 编译,但可以用 Visual Studio 编译:

The following code doesn't compile with gcc, but does with Visual Studio:

template <typename T> class A {
    T foo;

template <typename T> class B: public A <T> {
    void bar() { cout << foo << endl; }


test.cpp:在成员函数‘void B::bar()’中:

test.cpp: In member function ‘void B::bar()’:

test.cpp:11: 错误:'foo' 未在此范围内声明

test.cpp:11: error: ‘foo’ was not declared in this scope

但它应该是!如果我将 bar 更改为

But it should be! If I change bar to

void bar() { cout << this->foo << endl; }

然后它确实编译,但我认为我不必这样做.GCC 在这里遵循的 C++ 官方规范中是否有某些内容,或者这只是一个怪癖?

then it does compile, but I don't think I have to do this. Is there something in the official specs of C++ that GCC is following here, or is it just a quirk?


这在 gcc-3.4.C++ 解析器在那个版本中变得更加严格――根据规范,但对于拥有遗留或多平台代码库的人来说仍然有点烦人.

This changed in gcc-3.4. The C++ parser got much more strict in that release -- per the spec but still kinda annoying for people with legacy or multi-platform code bases.
