static_assert 依赖于非类型模板参数(gcc 和 clang 上的不同行为)

template <int answer> struct Hitchhiker {
  static_assert(sizeof(answer) != sizeof(answer), "Invalid answer");

template <> struct Hitchhiker<42> {};

在尝试使用 static_assert 禁用通用模板实例化时,我发现 clang 中的上述代码即使没有实例化模板也会生成断言错误,而 gcc 仅在使用 42 以外的参数实例化 Hitchhiker 时才会生成断言错误.

While trying to disable general template instantiation with static_assert I discovered that the above code in clang generates the assert error even when the template is not instantiated, while gcc generates the assert error only when instantiating Hitchhiker with a parameter other than 42.


template <int answer> struct Hitchhiker {
  static_assert(sizeof(int[answer]) != sizeof(int[answer]), "Invalid answer");

template <> struct Hitchhiker<42> {};


behaves the same on both compilers: the assert kicks in only when the general template is instantiated.


What does the standard says, which compiler is right?

g++ 4.9.2
clang++ 3.50


@TartainLlama 发现的引用

Quotes found by @TartainLlama


If a hypothetical instantiation of a template immediately following its definition would be ill-formed due to a construct that does not depend on a template parameter, the program is ill-formed; no diagnostic is required.

N4296 [temp.res]/8

这在定义主模板后立即适用(其中包含 static_assert 的模板).所以不能考虑后面的专业化(42),因为它还不存在.

This applies immediately after the primary template is defined (the one with the static_assert in it). So the later specialization (for 42) cannot be considered, as it does not exist yet.

下一个问题是 static_assert( sizeof(answer) != sizeof(answer), depends 是否依赖于 answer.从语义上讲,它不是,在语法上确实如此,而且在标准方面:

The next question is if static_assert( sizeof(answer) != sizeof(answer), depends on answer. Semantically it does not, syntactically it does, and standard-wise:


Inside a template, some constructs have semantics which may differ from one instantiation to another. Such a construct depends on the template parameters.

N4296 [temp.dep]/1

结构 sizeof(answer) != sizeof(answer) 从一个实例到另一个实例没有区别.所以这样的构造不依赖于模板参数.这意味着整个 static_assert 不依赖于模板参数.

The construct sizeof(answer) != sizeof(answer) does not differ from one instantiation to another. So such a construct does not depend on the template parameters. Which means the entire static_assert does not depend on the template parameter.

因此您的程序格式错误,无需诊断.发出任意诊断(例如 static_assert 失败)是有效的编译器行为.缺少问题是有效的编译器行为.从格式不正确、不需要诊断的程序编译的程序的行为不是由标准定义的:它是未定义的行为.鼻妖是允许的.

Thus your program is ill formed, no diagnostic required. Issuing an arbitrary diagnostic (such as the static_assert failing) is valid compiler behavior. Missing the problem is valid compiler behavior. The behavior of a program compiled from an ill formed, no diagnostic required program is not defined by the standard: it is undefined behavior. Nasal demons are permitted.

花哨的尝试(例如 sizeof(int[answer])!=sizeof(int[answer]) 可能会取悦当前的 god 编译器,但不会使您的程序形成得更好.

Fancy attempts (like sizeof(int[answer])!=sizeof(int[answer]) may please the current god compiler, but does not make your program more well formed.

您可以提出这样一种情况,即编译器不太可能抓住您,但无论编译器有没有能力抓住您,格式错误仍然存??在.作为一般规则,C++ 想让自己(及其编译器)在实例化之前"找到无效模板代码的自由;这意味着模板代码必须生成可能合法的代码.

You could make a case where the compiler is unlikely to be able to catch you at it, but the ill-formed-ness remains regardless of the ability for the compiler to catch you with it. As a general rule, C++ wants to leave itself (and its compilers) freedom to find invalid template code "earlier than instantiation"; this means that template code must produce possibly legal code.

您可能想要诸如 =delete 之类的带有附加消息的内容.

It is possible you want something like =delete with a message attached.
