
2021-12-13 00:00:00 templates c++ default-arguments

我很惊讶下面的代码会导致 无法推导出 T 的模板参数 错误:

I was surprised the following code resulted in a could not deduce template argument for T error:

struct foo
  template <typename T>
  void bar(int a, T b = 0.0f)

int main()
  foo a;

  return 0;

调用 a.bar(5) 修复了这个问题.为什么编译器不能从默认参数中推导出类型?

Calling a.bar<float>(5) fixes the issue. Why can't the compiler deduce the type from the default argument?


在 C++03 中,规范明确禁止使用默认参数来推导模板参数 (C++03 §14.8.2/17):

In C++03, the specification explicitly prohibits the default argument from being used to deduce a template argument (C++03 §14.8.2/17):


A template type-parameter cannot be deduced from the type of a function default argument.

在 C++11 中,你可以为函数模板提供一个默认的模板参数:

In C++11, you can provide a default template argument for the function template:

template <typename T = float>
void bar(int a, T b = 0.0f) { }

不过,默认模板参数是必需的.如果未提供默认模板参数,则默认函数参数仍然不能用于模板参数推导.具体而言,以下适用 (C++11

The default template argument is required, though. If the default template argument is not provided, the default function argument is still not usable for template argument deduction. Specifically, the following applies (C++11



  • 在函数形参的形参类型中使用的模板形参,该形参有一个默认实参,该实参在正在执行自变量推导的调用中使用.
