什么更有意义 - char* string 或 char *string?

2021-12-13 00:00:00 string pointers c++

我目前正在学习 C++,并且遇到了很多以空字符结尾的字符串.这让我思考,在声明指针时什么更有意义:

I'm learning C++ at the moment, and I'm coming across a lot of null-terminated strings. This has got me thinking, what makes more sense when declaring pointers:

char* string

char *string

?对我来说,char* 格式更有意义,因为字符串"的类型更有意义.是指向字符的指针,而不是字符.但是,我通常看到后一种格式.显然,这也适用于参考文献.

? To me, the char* format makes more sense, because the type of "string" is a pointer to a char, rather than a char. However, I generally see the latter format. This applies to references as well, obviously.


Could someone tell me if there is a logical reason for the latter format?



char* string1, string2;

string1 是一个字符指针,而 string2 只是单个字符.因此,声明的格式通常如下:

string1 is a character pointer, but string2 is a single character only. For this reason, the declaration is usually formatted like:

char *string1, string2;

这使得 * 适用于 string1 但不适用于 string2 稍微清楚一点.好的做法是避免在一个声明中声明多个变量,尤其是当其中一些是指针时.

which makes it slightly clearer that the * applies to string1 but not string2. Good practice is to avoid declaring multiple variables in one declaration, especially if some of them are pointers.
