是否有任何理由在删除之前检查 NULL 指针?

2021-12-13 00:00:00 pointers null c++ delete-operator


I often see legacy code checking for NULL before deleting a pointer, similar to,

if (NULL != pSomeObject) 
    delete pSomeObject;
    pSomeObject = NULL;

是否有任何理由在删除之前检查 NULL 指针?之后将指针设置为NULL的原因是什么?

Is there any reason to checking for a NULL pointer before deleting it? What is the reason for setting the pointer to NULL afterwards?



It's perfectly "safe" to delete a null pointer; it effectively amounts to a no-op.

您可能希望在删除之前检查 null 的原因是尝试删除空指针可能表明您的程序中存在错误.

The reason you might want to check for null before you delete is that trying to delete a null pointer could indicate a bug in your program.



NOTE: if you overload the delete operator, it may no longer be "safe" to delete NULL
