
2021-12-13 00:00:00 pointers c++


I went to a job interview today and was given this interesting question.


Besides the memory leak and the fact there is no virtual dtor, why does this code crash?

#include <iostream>

//besides the obvious mem leak, why does this code crash?

class Shape
    virtual void draw() const = 0;

class Circle : public Shape
    virtual void draw() const { }

    int radius;

class Rectangle : public Shape
    virtual void draw() const { }

    int height;
    int width;

int main()
    Shape * shapes = new Rectangle[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)


你不能那样索引.您已经分配了一个 Rectangles 数组,并在 shapes 中存储了一个指向第一个的指针.当您执行 shapes[1] 时,您正在取消引用 (shapes + 1).这不会为您提供指向下一个 Rectangle 的指针,而是指向假定的 Shape 数组中的下一个 Shape 的指针.当然,这是未定义的行为.在你的情况下,你很幸运并且撞车了.

You cannot index like that. You have allocated an array of Rectangles and stored a pointer to the first in shapes. When you do shapes[1] you're dereferencing (shapes + 1). This will not give you a pointer to the next Rectangle, but a pointer to what would be the next Shape in a presumed array of Shape. Of course, this is undefined behaviour. In your case, you're being lucky and getting a crash.

使用指向 Rectangle 的指针可以使索引正常工作.

Using a pointer to Rectangle makes the indexing work correctly.

int main()
   Rectangle * shapes = new Rectangle[10];
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) shapes[i].draw();

如果你想在数组中有不同种类的 Shape 并多态地使用它们,你需要一个 指针 到 Shape 的数组.

If you want to have different kinds of Shapes in the array and use them polymorphically you need an array of pointers to Shape.
