*(Pointer + Index) 和 Pointer[] 的区别

2021-12-13 00:00:00 pointers c++
int* myPointer = new int[100];

// ...

int firstValue = *(myPointer + 0);
int secondValue = myPointer[1];

*(myPointer + index)myPointer[index] 之间有什么功能上的区别吗?哪个被认为是更好的做法?

Is there any functional difference between *(myPointer + index) and myPointer[index]? Which is considered better practice?



Functionally, they are identical.

从语义上讲,指针取消引用表示这是一件事,但我真的很关心 X 空格",而数组访问说这是一堆事情,我关心 Xcode>Xth 一个."

Semantically, the pointer dereference says "Here's a thing, but I really care about the thing X spaces over", while the array access says "Here's a bunch of things, I care about the Xth one."


In most cases, I would prefer the array form.
