如何将 C++ 字符串转换为 int?

2021-12-12 00:00:00 parsing int c++ stdstring

如何在 C++ 中将字符串解析为 int?

如何将 C++ 字符串转换为 int?

How do you convert a C++ string to an int?


Assume you are expecting the string to have actual numbers in it ("1", "345", "38944", for example).

另外,假设您没有 boost,并且您真的想用 C++ 方式来实现,而不是笨拙的旧 C 方式.

Also, let's assume you don't have boost, and you really want to do it the C++ way, not the crufty old C way.


#include <sstream>

// st is input string
int result;
stringstream(st) >> result;
