NULL 与 nullptr(为什么被替换?)

2021-12-13 00:00:00 pointers null c++ nullptr

我知道在 C++ 中 0xNULL 在基于指针的应用程序中被 nullptr 替换.我只是想知道他们进行此替换的确切原因?

I know that in C++ 0x or NULL was replaced by nullptr in pointer-based applications. I'm just curious of the exact reason why they made this replacement?

在什么情况下使用 nullptr 而不是 NULL 在处理指针时有益?

In what scenario is using nullptr over NULL beneficial when dealing with pointers?


nullptr 具有类型 std::nullptr_t.它可以隐式转换为任何指针类型.因此,它将匹配重载解析中的 std::nullptr_t 或指针类型,但不匹配其他类型,例如 int.

nullptr has type std::nullptr_t. It's implicitly convertible to any pointer type. Thus, it'll match std::nullptr_t or pointer types in overload resolution, but not other types such as int.

0(又名.C 的 NULL 桥接到 C++)可能导致重载函数解析中的歧义,其中包括:

0 (aka. C's NULL bridged over into C++) could cause ambiguity in overloaded function resolution, among other things:

f(foo *);

(感谢 Caleth 在评论中指出这一点.)

(Thanks to Caleth pointing this out in the comments.)
