为什么默认情况下不使用 NULL 初始化指针?

2021-12-13 00:00:00 initialization memory pointers c++

有人可以解释为什么指针没有初始化为 NULL 吗?

Can someone please explain why pointers aren't initialized to NULL?

  void test(){
     char *buf;
     if (!buf)
        // whatever

程序不会进入 if 因为buf 不为空.

The program wouldn't step inside the if because buf is not null.


I would like to know why, in what case do we need a variable with trash on, specially pointers addressing the trash on the memory?


我们都意识到应该初始化指针(和其他 POD 类型).

We all realize that pointer (and other POD types) should be initialized.
The question then becomes 'who should initialize them'.


  • 编译器初始化它们.
  • 开发人员初始化它们.


Let us assume that the compiler initialized any variable not explicitly initialized by the developer. Then we run into situations where initializing the variable was non trivial and the reason the developer did not do it at the declaration point was he/she needed to perform some operation and then assign.

所以现在我们的情况是,编译器在代码中添加了一条额外的指令,将变量初始化为 NULL,然后添加开发人员代码以进行正确的初始化.或者在其他条件下,变量可能永远不会被使用.许多 C++ 开发人员会以额外的指令为代价在这两种情况下尖叫.

So now we have the situation that the compiler has added an extra instruction to the code that initializes the variable to NULL then later the developer code is added to do the correct initialization. Or under other conditions the variable is potentially never used. A lot of C++ developers would scream foul under both conditions at the cost of that extra instruction.


It's not just about time. But also space. There are a lot of environments where both resources are at a premium and the developers do not want to give up either.


BUT: You can simulate the effect of forcing initialization. Most compilers will warn you about uninitialized variables. So I always turn my warning level to the highest level possible. Then tell the compiler to treat all warnings as errors. Under these conditions most compilers will then generate an error for variables that are un-initialized but used and thus will prevent code from being generated.
