
2021-12-13 00:00:00 pointers c c++

什么更有意义 - char* string 或 char *string?C++ 中的指针声明:星号的位置

我已经在很多代码中看到了这个的混合版本.(顺便说一下,这适用于 C 和 C++.)人们似乎以两种方式之一声明指针,我不知道哪一种是正确的,甚至不知道是否重要.

I've seen mixed versions of this in a lot of code. (This applies to C and C++, by the way.) People seem to declare pointers in one of two ways, and I have no idea which one is correct, of if it even matters.


The first way it to put the asterisk adjacent the type name, like so:

someType* somePtr;


The second way is to put the asterisk adjacent the name of the variable, like so:

someType *somePtr;


This has been driving me nuts for some time now. Is there any standard way of declaring pointers? Does it even matter how pointers are declared? I've used both declarations before, and I know that the compiler doesn't care which way it is. However, the fact that I've seen pointers declared in two different ways leads me to believe that there's a reason behind it. I'm curious if either method is more readable or logical in some way that I'm missing.



It's a matter of preference, and somewhat of a holy war, just like brace style.


someType* somePtr;

强调指针变量的类型.它本质上是说,somePtr 的类型是指向someType 的指针".

is emphasizing the type of the pointer variable. It is saying, essentially, "the type of somePtr is pointer-to-someType".


someType *somePtr

强调指向数据的类型.它本质上是说,somePtr 指向的数据类型是 someType".

is emphasizing the type of the pointed-to data. It is saying, essentially, "the type of data pointed to by somePtr is someType".


They both mean the same thing, but it depends on if a given programmer's mental model when creating a pointer is "focused", so to speak, on the pointed-to data or the pointer variable.

把它放在中间(如 someType * somePtr)是试图避免提交任何一个.

Putting it in the middle (as someType * somePtr) is trying to avoid committing to either one.
