通过引用传递向量并在基于范围的 for 循环中更改其值?

2021-12-11 00:00:00 reference for-loop c++


I'm trying to change the values of a vector by doing something similar to the following function:

vector<int> Question2_Part3(vector<int> &v){

    for(auto elem : v){
        elem *= 2;
        cout << elem << " ";
    cout << "
" << endl;

    return v;

这可能吗?我知道在我的 for 循环中,改变的是 elem 的值.我可以在更改 v 中的值的同时获得相同的输出,并且仍然使用基于范围的 for 循环吗?

Is this possible? I know that in my for loop, it is the value of elem that is changing. Can I have the same output while also changing the values in v and still use a range-based for loop?



Yes it is possible but use a reference

for (auto &elem : v) {
    elem *= 2;
    cout << elem << " ";


This is also more efficient as it avoids copying each vector element to a variable. Actually if you didn't want to change the elements you should do

for (const auto &elem : v) {
    cout << elem << " ";

