

If I don't actually access the dereferenced "object", is dereferencing the null pointer still undefined?

int* p = 0;
int& r = *p;    // undefined?
int* q = &*p;   // undefined?


A slightly more practical example: can I dereference the null pointer to distinguish between overloads?

void foo(Bar&);
void foo(Baz&);

foo(*(Bar*)0);  // undefined?



Okay, the reference examples are definitely undefined behavior according to the standard:


a null reference cannot exist in a well-defined program, because the only way to create such a reference would be to bind it to the "object" obtained by dereferencing a null pointer, which causes undefined behavior.

不幸的是,强调的部分是模棱两可的.是 binding 部分导致了未定义的行为,还是 取消引用 部分就足够了?

Unfortunately, the emphasized part is ambiguous. Is it the binding part that causes undefined behavior, or is the dereferencing part sufficient?


是的,它是未定义的行为,因为规范说左值指定一个对象或函数"(在第 3.10 条)并且它说 *-操作符[解引用]的结果是一个左值,引用表达式指向的对象或函数"(见第 5.3.1 节).

Yes it is undefined behavior, because the spec says that an "lvalue designates an object or function" (at clause 3.10) and it says for the *-operator "the result [of dereferencing] is an lvalue referring to the object or function to which the expression points" (at clause 5.3.1).


That means there is no description for what happens when you dereference a null pointer. It's simply undefined behavior.
