
2021-12-11 00:00:00 sockets c c++


I have a loop which basically calls this every few seconds (after the timeout):



    switch(select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, 0, 0, &tv)){
        case SOCKET_ERROR : report bad stuff etc; return;
        default : break;

    // do stuff with the incoming connection


So basically for every few seconds (which is specified by tv), it reactivates the listening.

这是在线程 B(不是主线程)上运行的.有时我想从线程 A(主线程)立即结束这个接受器循环,但似乎我必须等到时间间隔结束..

This is run on thread B (not a main thread). There are times when I want to end this acceptor loop immediately from thread A (main thread), but seems like I have to wait until the time interval finishes..

有没有办法从另一个线程中断 select 函数,以便线程 B 可以立即退出?

Is there a way to disrupt the select function from another thread so thread B can quit instantly?


最简单的方法大概是使用 pipe(2) 创建一个管道并将读取端添加到 readfds.当另一个线程想要中断 select() 时,只需向它写入一个字节,然后再消费它.

The easiest way is probably to use pipe(2) to create a pipe and add the read end to readfds. When the other thread wants to interrupt the select() just write a byte to it, then consume it afterward.
