允许基于范围的 For 与枚举类?

2021-12-11 00:00:00 for-loop enums c++ c++11

我有一个循环代码块,其中我循环了 enum 类 的所有成员.

I have a recurrent chunk of code where I loop over all the members of an enum class.

与新的 基于范围的 for 相比,我目前使用的 for 循环看起来非常笨拙.

The for loop that I currently use looks very unwieldly compared to the new range-based for.

有什么方法可以利用 C++11 的新特性来减少当前 for 循环的冗长?

Is there any way to take advantage of new C++11 features to cut down on the verbosity for my current for loop?


enum class COLOR

inline COLOR operator++( COLOR& x ) { return x = (COLOR)(((int)(x) + 1)); }

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // any way to improve the next line with range-based for?
  for( COLOR c=COLOR::First; c!=COLOR::Last; ++c )
    // do work
  return 0;


In other words, it would be nice if I could do something like:

for( const auto& c : COLOR )
  // do work


用枚举本身作为迭代器来迭代枚举是一个糟糕的主意,我建议使用实际的迭代器,如 deft_code 的答案.但如果这真的是你想要的:

Iterating enumerations with the enumeration itself as an iterator is a poor idea, and I recommend using an actual iterator as in deft_code's answer. But if this is really what you want:

COLOR operator++(COLOR& x) {
    return x = (COLOR)(std::underlying_type<COLOR>::type(x) + 1); 

COLOR operator*(COLOR c) {
    return c;

COLOR begin(COLOR r) {
    return COLOR::First;

COLOR end(COLOR r) {
    COLOR l=COLOR::Last;
    return ++l;

int main() { 
    //note the parenthesis after COLOR to make an instance
    for(const auto& c : COLOR()) {
        //do work
    return 0;


const COLOR COLORS[] = {COLOR::Blue, COLOR::Red, COLOR::Green, COLOR::Purple};
const COLOR (&COLORREF)[(int)COLOR::Last+1] = COLORS;

int main() { 
    for(const auto& c : COLORS) {
        //do work
    return 0;



(The separate defintinion and the reference of the array makes it a compiler error if the number of colors doesn't match the number of elements in the array. Excellent easy safety check.)
