OpenCV 中的置换贴图过滤器

2021-12-10 00:00:00 opencv image-processing c c++

我很想知道如何实现 此处演示的效果 使用 OpenCV.我认为这是某种置换贴图过滤器,但我不是 100% 确定.

I'm curious to know how one can implement the effect demonstrated here using OpenCV. I think it's some sort of displacement map filter but I'm not 100% sure.


After that page has fully loaded, move the mouse around to see the background image move (it's the effect I'm looking for).


Is it possible? How would I go about doing it?


问这个问题已经快2年了,我觉得是时候回答了:可以找到使用OpenCV实现这个过滤器的源代码在我的 GitHub 存储库 中.

It's been almost 2 years since I've asked this question and I think it's time to answer it: the source code that implements this filter using OpenCV can be found in my GitHub repo.

实施基于 Adobe Flash DisplacementMapFilter.

我推荐人们阅读另一个教程:Psyark 的 DisplacementMapFilter 教程.它很旧但很准确.

There's another tutorial I recommend people to read: Psyark’s DisplacementMapFilter Tutorial. It's old but accurate.

