imread 在 Opencv 中不起作用

2021-12-10 00:00:00 opencv c++

我正在尝试使用 OpenCV2.2 中的 imread 函数.

I'm trying to use the imread function from OpenCV2.2.


cv::Mat host= imread("1.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);


After that, the host matrix became filled by zeros pointers, i.e. an image has not loaded.

如果我使用 cvLoadImage 那么一切正常.

If I use cvLoadImage then it all works properly.

文件存在,我没有混合发布和调试库.为什么 imread 不起作用?

The file exists, and I am not mixing the release and debug libraries. Why imread doesn't work?


转载于 opencv 2.4.8.

Reproduced with opencv 2.4.8.

如果您在 Debug 中运行,请检查您是否也在使用调试库,它解决了我们的问题.: OpenCV imread(filename) 在调试模式下使用时失败发布库.

If you are running in Debug, check that you are also using debug libraries, it fixed our problem. : OpenCV imread(filename) fails in debug mode when using release libraries.
