为什么不能在 C++ 中重新定义类中的类型名称?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 class scope c++ typename

根据本书 C++ Primer 部分,7.4.1 Type Names Are Special:

According to the book C++ Primer section, 7.4.1 Type Names Are Special:


Ordinarily, an inner scope can redefine a name from an outer scope even if that name has already been used in the inner scope. However, in a class, if a member uses a name from an outer scope and that name is a type, then the class may not subsequently redefine that name.


typedef double Money;
class Account {
        Money balance() { return bal; }
        typedef double Money;
        Money bal;

int main() {
    typedef double Money;
    Money asset;
    typedef double Money;
    return 0;


When you compile the example above, it will complain:

a.cc:6:24: error: declaration of ‘typedef double Account::Money’ [-fpermissive]
         typedef double Money;
a.cc:1:16: error: changes meaning of ‘Money’ from ‘typedef double Money’ [-fpermissive]
 typedef double Money;


So why can not we redefine type names in class, but can we in the inner scope?

我的编译器版本是 g++ (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609.

My compiler version is g++ (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609.
And there is also a note in that section:


Although it is an error to redefine a type name, compilers are not required to diagnose this error. Some compilers will quietly accept such code, even though the program is in error.



This is not unique to types. [basic.class.scope]/2:

在类S中使用的名称N应在其上下文以及在 S 的完整范围内重新评估时.不违反此规则需要进行诊断.

A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of S. No diagnostic is required for a violation of this rule.


The reason is that name lookup in class scope is a little special. Consider:

using Foo = int;

struct X {
    Foo a;    // ::Foo, i.e., int
    void meow() { 
        Foo b = a; // X::Foo; error: no conversion from int to char*
    using Foo = char*;

成员函数体中的名称查找考虑所有类成员,无论是在成员函数之前还是之后声明(否则,在类定义中定义的成员函数将无法使用在类中稍后声明的数据成员).结果是您得到两个具有不同含义的 Foo ,即使它们在词法上都在类成员 Foo 的声明之前.这很容易导致非常混乱和脆弱的代码,因此标准禁止它.

Name lookup in member function bodies considers all class members, whether declared before or after the member function (otherwise, a member function defined in a class definition wouldn't be able to use a data member declared later in the class). The result is that you get two Foos with different meanings, even though they both lexically precede the class member Foo's declaration. This can easily lead to extremely confusing and brittle code, and so the standard bans it.
