如何构建和使用 Google TensorFlow C++ api

2021-12-09 00:00:00 tensorflow c++

我真的很想开始在 C++ 中使用 Google 的新 Tensorflow 库.网站和文档在如何构建项目的 C++ API 方面真的不清楚,我不知道从哪里开始.

I'm really eager to start using Google's new Tensorflow library in C++. The website and docs are just really unclear in terms of how to build the project's C++ API and I don't know where to start.

有更多经验的人可以通过发现和分享使用 tensorflow 的 C++ API 的指南来提供帮助吗?

Can someone with more experience help by discovering and sharing a guide to using tensorflow's C++ API?


我发现的一种使用 Tensorflow C++ API 的替代方法是使用 cppflow.

One alternative to using Tensorflow C++ API I found is to use cppflow.

它是围绕 Tensorflow C API 的轻量级 C++ 包装器.你得到非常小的可执行文件,它链接到 libtensorflow.so 已经编译的文件.还有一些使用示例,您可以使用 CMAKE 而不是 Bazel.

It's a lightweight C++ wrapper around Tensorflow C API. You get very small executables and it links against the libtensorflow.so already compiled file. There are also examples of use and you use CMAKE instead of Bazel.
