你如何在 C++ 中创建一个静态类?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 class oop static syntax c++

你如何在 C++ 中创建静态类?我应该能够做这样的事情:

How do you create a static class in C++? I should be able to do something like:

cout << "bit 5 is " << BitParser::getBitAt(buffer, 5) << endl;

假设我创建了 BitParser 类.BitParser 类定义是什么样的?

Assuming I created the BitParser class. What would the BitParser class definition look like?


如果您正在寻找一种应用静态"的方法类的关键字,例如您可以在 C# 中,那么您将无法不使用托管 C++.

If you're looking for a way of applying the "static" keyword to a class, like you can in C# for example, then you won't be able to without using Managed C++.

但是从示例的外观来看,您只需要在 BitParser 对象上创建一个公共静态方法.像这样:

But the looks of your sample, you just need to create a public static method on your BitParser object. Like so:


class BitParser
  static bool getBitAt(int buffer, int bitIndex);

  // ...lots of great stuff

  // Disallow creating an instance of this object
  BitParser() {}


bool BitParser::getBitAt(int buffer, int bitIndex)
  bool isBitSet = false;
  // .. determine if bit is set
  return isBitSet;


You can use this code to call the method in the same way as your example code.
