您如何将 CreateThread 用于属于类成员的函数?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 class multithreading winapi c++

如何使用 CreateThread() 创建属于类成员的函数的线程?

How do you use CreateThread() to create threads of functions which are class members?


你需要创建一个静态方法作为实际的线程启动函数,并传递一个指向实例的指针作为lpParameterCreateThread 的参数.这将传递给静态方法,该方法可以将其转换为对象指针并调用成员函数.

You need to create a static method to use as the actual thread start function, and pass a pointer to the instance as the lpParameter argument to CreateThread. That will get passed to the static method, which can cast it to an object pointer and call through to the member function.

class MyClass
    static DWORD WINAPI StaticThreadStart(void* Param)
        MyClass* This = (MyClass*) Param;
        return This->ThreadStart();

    DWORD ThreadStart(void)
        // Do stuff

    void startMyThread()
       DWORD ThreadID;
       CreateThread(NULL, 0, StaticThreadStart, (void*) this, 0, &ThreadID);
