错误:Qt5 视频渲染错误代码 80040218

2021-12-09 00:00:00 qt directshow c++ qwebview

在 Qt5 中运行使用 QWebView 制作的应用程序时,我访问了一个带有 HTML5 视频播放器的页面,但是视频不播放,qt/directshow 显示以下错误:

When running an application in Qt5 made ??using the QWebView, I accessed a page with a video player in HTML5, but the video does not play and qt/directshow shows the following error:

DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: 未解决的错误代码 80040218DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: 未解决的错误代码 80040218

DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: Unresolved error code 80040218 DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: Unresolved error code 80040218


  • Qt5.1.1 MingW4.8 32 位
  • Windows 7 64 位

我怀疑这就是为什么我的 Windows 是 64 位,但 *QT/MingW** 在 32 位 上运行并且可能会错过一些 DLL/LIB.

I suspect that is why my Windows is 64bit, but the *QT/MingW** runs on 32bit and maybe miss some DLL/LIB.


How can I resolve this?



错误代码比较笼统:0x80040218 VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER找不到要渲染的过滤器组合流."典型的原因是应用程序无法解码媒体源,因为它缺少解码组件,例如此视频源的编解码器未安装/可用.

The error code is rather generic: 0x80040218 VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER "No combination of filters could be found to render the stream." and the typical cause is that the application cannot decode media feed because it lacks decoding components, such as codec for this video feed is not installed/available.
