如何在 Python 中用空格将字符串填充到固定长度?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python string format


我确信这在很多地方都有介绍,但我不知道我正在尝试执行的操作的确切名称,所以我无法真正查找它.我已经阅读了 30 分钟的官方 Python 书籍,试图找出如何做到这一点.

I'm sure this is covered in plenty of places, but I don't know the exact name of the action I'm trying to do so I can't really look it up. I've been reading an official Python book for 30 minutes trying to find out how to do this.


Problem: I need to put a string in a certain length "field".

例如,如果姓名字段有 15 个字符长,而我的名字是 John,我会得到John"后跟 11 个空格来创建 15 个字符的字段.

For example, if the name field was 15 characters long, and my name was John, I would get "John" followed by 11 spaces to create the 15 character field.


I need this to work for any string put in for the variable "name".


I know it will likely be some form of formatting, but I can't find the exact way to do this. Help would be appreciated.



>>> a = "John"
>>> "{:<15}".format(a)
'John           '
